Monday, October 31, 2016


Heracles was doomed from the beginning. He faced the wrath of Hera from before his birth until after his death. Plagued with fits of madness that would claim the lives of those closest to him, Heracles led a troubled life. However, his life was filled with great deeds and feats of cunning and intellect as well as brute strength. What makes Heracles a problematic hero are the downfalls in his morals and those brought on with madness he is forced to endure. Most heroes in any book or movie are problematic. It allows the reader or viewer to connect with the hero. Watching a movie or reading a book would be far less interesting with a "perfect" hero. The most common example of a problematic hero would be any number of superheroes. They try to help humanity from a great evil and in the process they leave great destruction on their city and its inhabitants.

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree with your connection of Hercules to many of the modern superheroes of our generation. This can be scene in the character of Batman who is haunted by his past resulting in many questionable deeds by the hero.
