Thursday, November 3, 2016

3rd Paper: Webpage Design

For your final project, please select a film you really like and about which you would like to create a website.  

This website will be like a paper in the sense that you should make defensible claims about each aspect of the film you discuss, back them up with reasons, and provide evidence for your claims.

Preferably the film you analyze should be one of those we have seen or will still watch in our Colloquium, and also one that you did not review for your second paper.  

By next Tuesday, you should have some idea which aspects of the film you would like to address on your webpage. These could be features that you find particularly memorable or worth discussing in more detail, for example,
• the plot (How does the plot relate to other toga movies? What is original about it?),
• the acting (e.g., How does it fit to the movie’s themes or message?),
• the costumes (e.g., How do they support the film's message, characterization of roles, etc.?)
• set (maybe in terms of the way it is used to convey the movie's themes),
• cinematography and editing (talk, e.g., about the use of slow-motion in "Gladiator"),
• sound effects
• music (How does it support the story telling? Is there anything unusual about it?)
• leitmotifs or themes, recurrent imagery, etc., etc.

There are many ways to create a website for free without much technical knowledge:
If you have a Mac, you could try out your iWeb software.  
PC Users may have something similar, or you could use, for example, free basic website builders such as WiX or Weebly:

Writing Consultant:

Our Writing Associate is Rachael Christman. For full credit on your papers, you are required to meet Rachael once per paper.
Sign up with the Signup link on WISE either for a 30 min. brainstorming session or, once you have an abstract or a first draft, for a 1-hour session to get feedback on how you have organized your ideas, etc. Rachael will NOT proofread your paper, but may help you to polish it. 

WAs are only paid for appointments for which you show up. For that reason, no-shows or cancellations less than 24 hours before your meeting time will result in a reduction in grade.  

 • 1800-2400 words (ca. 6-8 double-spaced pages if you print out the text alone) • one illustration / still shot (or more, if needed) for (almost) all pages.  

• Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2016:
200- to 300-word abstract (1 page of text only) due in class. Summarize what central claim (thesis) you plan to make, which sub-claims, and how will you prove/defend them? Provide 2-3 images that can serve as evidence for your claims. Bring TWO hard copies to class, one for me, one for a classmate to peer review and give you feedback.  

• Tuesday, Nov. 15, 2016:
Webpage draft due 
bring your laptop to class so your classmates can give you feedback!  

• Thursday, Nov. 17, 2016, 9 A.M.:
Final Version due.
– List a link to your page on our blog!

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