Hercules is vastly different from the more traditional myths that we know. The
reason for this being that Disney is catering to a young audience that needs to
laugh and be inspired without any concepts that are too difficult for a child
to understand. I do like how Disney changed the beginning of Hercules’ story.
How he was born a god and then became mortal, no thanks to Hades. Although Zeus
having a child with a mortal is typical of a Greek myth, I did not mind this
version with Hera on his side. Hercules still has to learn lessons and no
innocent people have to be killed in the process. I do wish that Disney had
included more of the twelve labors. The whole musical note with quick scenes
that barely showed some of his great deeds was unsatisfying. At the same time a
counter argument could be made for Disney saying that they were making him a “true
Hero.” The whole idea of becoming a “true hero” was the best part of the movie
for me. Having a hero with the ability to make such a sacrifice, whether for
love or something else, is the best type of hero.
I find it also interesting which of the twelve labors Disney chose to highlight. The Hydra is certainly not the one of Hercules' labors that one sees most commonly on Greek vases.