Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Disney & Myth

The Disney film was not an accurate depiction of the myth, this is understandable since the context and audience is changed. One of the things in the myth that was left out of the film was the birth of Hercules' children, I think this should have been included. The film did a great job developing the relationship between Hercules and Meg and ended with them living together on Earth, this could have been improved with adding the starting of their own family at the end. It would make the characters have a greater sense of togetherness and future happiness. The film also had a strong beginning of the story with the birth of Hercules, a strong ending would have been with the birth of Hercules' own children. This would make a loop from beginning to end and strengthen the whole plot. The adding of this scene would also make the theme of family more predominant, this would be beneficial in a children and family film. I welcome the change of Hera to Hades. Because Hades is the iconic Greek and Roman mythology bad guy, by enforcing that stereotype it made the film more familiar. It also created a more extreme fight between good and bad since Hades represented the most deadly and evil God and Hera is generally associated with marriage through Greek and Roman mythology. 

1 comment:

  1. I agree that the depiction of the myth was not entirely accurate. I understand that as you said the context has changed overtime but I think they could have kept more to the plot of the actual myth rather than deviating as extremely as they did from the real plot. For instance would it have truly hurt the quality of the movie to show how Hercules had occasional fits of madness? They never show any of that. Overall the movie is well done but I think it should have been more accurate.
