This is a blog for IDS 101-17 (fall 2016) at Willamette University
Thursday, November 17, 2016
Wednesday, November 16, 2016
Monday, November 7, 2016
Webpage Examples
They left their webpages publicly accessible, so clearly don't mind sharing them with the world at large.
As you can see, some of my students developed a considerable degree of creativity even though that's not required. Most important is that your analysis is sound and interesting.
1. Ian Simon's page on "300" was created with Weebly, another free webpage design software that several of the 2014 students used with success:
2. Bryce Withy-Berry investigated the use of sound and music in "Gladiator":
3. Felicity Helfand's page on "Hercules" was created with tumblr:
Thursday, November 3, 2016
Disney's Hercules
They didn't mention that he was half human. He didn't have the fits of madness brought on by hera because she loves him in the Disney film. They left out the cauterization of the hydra's necks. They hardly mentioned most of the 12 trials except for when Phil talks about Hercules' schedule for the day. I think they shouldn't have left out the fact that he wasn't immortal even to begin with, because he was only a demigod. Most of the other things that they left out made sense because it's a G rated movie and they would have definitely not been.
Disney's Hercules
3rd Paper: Webpage Design
This website will be like a paper in the sense that you should make defensible claims about each aspect of the film you discuss, back them up with reasons, and provide evidence for your claims.
Preferably the film you analyze should be one of those we have seen or will still watch in our Colloquium, and also one that you did not review for your second paper.
By next Tuesday, you should have some idea which aspects of the film you would like to address on your webpage. These could be features that you find particularly memorable or worth discussing in more detail, for example,
• the plot (How does the plot relate to other toga movies? What is original about it?),
• the acting (e.g., How does it fit to the movie’s themes or message?),
• the costumes (e.g., How do they support the film's message, characterization of roles, etc.?)
• set (maybe in terms of the way it is used to convey the movie's themes),
• cinematography and editing (talk, e.g., about the use of slow-motion in "Gladiator"),
• sound effects
• music (How does it support the story telling? Is there anything unusual about it?)
• leitmotifs or themes, recurrent imagery, etc., etc.
There are many ways to create a website for free without much technical knowledge:
If you have a Mac, you could try out your iWeb software.
PC Users may have something similar, or you could use, for example, free basic website builders such as WiX or Weebly:
• 1800-2400 words (ca. 6-8 double-spaced pages if you print out the text alone) • one illustration / still shot (or more, if needed) for (almost) all pages.
• Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2016:
200- to 300-word abstract (1 page of text only) due in class. Summarize what central claim (thesis) you plan to make, which sub-claims, and how will you prove/defend them? Provide 2-3 images that can serve as evidence for your claims. Bring TWO hard copies to class, one for me, one for a classmate to peer review and give you feedback.
• Tuesday, Nov. 15, 2016:
Webpage draft due
–bring your laptop to class so your classmates can give you feedback!
• Thursday, Nov. 17, 2016, 9 A.M.:
Final Version due.
– List a link to your page on our blog!
Disney's Hercules
Disney's Hercules
Disney's Hercules
Disney's Hercules fanfic
Hercules in a Disney Formula
Several entire incidents were left out that could have contributed to the movie even with a Disney happy ending. In some versions of the myth, Theseus is a good friend to Hercules and would have only added positive images to the film if it had included him. Additionally, setting up The Pillars of Hercules would have added the montage of his great feats to illustrate how far he had come as a hero. To illustrate the low point of the hero before he matures, Disney could have included his attempt to fight with Apollo over the Oracle's reply. Zeus' intervention could mark a turning point in his motivation similar to the scene in the movie where he tells Hercules he is not yet a true hero.
Wednesday, November 2, 2016
Disney's Hercules
Disney & Myth
The Myth of Heracles vs. Disney's Hercules
Disney's Hercules
Disney's Hercules
Tuesday, November 1, 2016
Hercules is definitely a problematic hero because of his penchant to randomly go crazy if hera felt like it. Sure, he was great and beat up a bunch of monsters and stuff, but he was a constant danger to anyone around him at all times. He is similar to any tortured hero in a story, as they often are dangerous and realize it so they try to stay away from others.
A Problematic Hero
Hercules was a problematic hero because he had no sense of self control. his aggression levels would peak often and result in another being person dead. He strides for the simplistic approach to get a job done which goes against what we think of when we read the word hero. Hero's do not cut corners and yet Hercules constantly does this. On top of this he uses trickery to get what he wants. in doing this he puts others at a disadvantage like we see with the case of atlas having to hold the world. Hercules is a monster with good intentions, his resemblance is that of Hancock, the hero in reality who destroys nature in his attempts to do the right thing.
Heracles was a problematic hero. This is because he constantly gets fits of rage ending up in an innocent person or creature dying. He also solves his problems through trickery and deception. When you think of a hero you think of someone who would do the right thing in an honorable fashion. Heracles takes the easy way out of most situations. With the Ceryneian Hide he was not suppose to harm the animal but he takes the easy way out and shoots the deer with an arrow. An example of his decept is when he tricks atlas into holding the world again. He directly lied to atlas to get what he wanted. A modern hero who is very similar to Heracles is The Incredible Hulk. They both have god like strength and both have extreme fits of rage that end up in innocent people dying.
Heracles: Not Hercules But Previously Alcides
Hercules: Superman or super flawed?
Heracles: The Problematic Hero
Monday, October 31, 2016
Hercules: The Problematic Hero
A Problematic Hero
Hercules- A Problematic Hero
Hercules: A Problematic Hero?
Hercules: A Problematic Hero
Friday, October 28, 2016
Death of Maximus's Family
Thursday, October 27, 2016
This is the scene where Maximus has just beaten the the famous gladiator known for being undefeated. In this shot the audience is looking up at Maximus to show how powerful he is. The sun is shining on him and the handle of the axe is now golden and shining. His skill in battle is so good that some could even call it god like. The spectators chant his name as if he is some sort of divinity amongst them. He also makes the choice to not kill the man even though the emperor has motioned him to do so. The crowd seems to love this act of kindness and uproars even louder chanting his name. Also in this scene he is somewhat playing god because it is ultimately his choice if the other gladiator lives or dies. Symbolically he is taking the role of emperor away from Commodus because it is the emepors choice who lives or dies and Maximus makes that decision rather than the emperor.

This scene is when Commodus is feeling the crowd for how they think the fight should end. The camera angle gives power to him because we are looking up at him while he looks down on the gladiators. Their fate is in his hands and the smug look on his face means he knows how much power he has and he loves it. The way the lens focus is not on the hand but on his face makes the audience pay attention to his expressions as he makes his decision, playing up the suspense just for the sake of the crowd. His dark clothing and dark background gives the appearance that Commodus is in a dark shadow, which is fitting because he is about to seal the deal on whether a man is killed or not. Also his dark outfit shows his evil character and you can't really see his body, only his hand and his head, the two important, decision making focuses of the scene.
Gladiator Screenshot Analysis
This screenshot shows an up close picture of Maximus right before he is going to kill the other gladiator. At least that is what the crowd and viewers think, but instead he lets the other go to chants of "Maximus the merciful!!!" looking back on this shot we could have guessed that he was about to do something good because of the light shining in behind him. Light like this shining down upon someone in a movie is always a sign that the person is good or will do something good. The way Maximus is looking down, with a look of part pity and part sadness, shows really well the conflict in Maximus' mind between killing to be set free, or not killing out of morality. Just after this shot, Maximus drops his axe and wins the crowd over further, setting up his final duel with Commodus by angering him further.

Gladiator Scene Analysis
This shot depicts Maximus's reaction to all the carnage around him after the battle is over. While the battle was won, Maximus is not celebrating as though he has won some great victory that will bring about a lasting peace. On the contrary Maximus looks appalled by the carnage that he see's all around him. His face appears darkened and even slightly mangled by the battle he just fought. He looks like a man who has suffered from the violence just like the rest of his men. In my opinion what this scene depicts is that Maximus is not a conflict first sort of a man. I think this scene tells us that he is an ordinary man who simply cares for his farm and his family. In addition it also shows that Maximus cares for his soldiers and men who are under his command and that he feels responsible for them. Overall the shot is used to portray Maximus as an ordinary man even though he holds the distinction of being one of Rome's best generals.
Gladiator Scene
Gladiator Scene Analysis
Wednesday, October 26, 2016
Gladiator Scene Analysis
Gladiator Scene

This is the scene of Commodus's arrival to Rome. This is a long and wide shot that has a focus on the front and the back. In the back stands the Colosseum of Rome. In the middle is citizens of Rome, large rectangles of nameless people. In the front is Emperor Commodus, his nephew Lucius, and two Senators, Gracchus and Gaius. Gracchus and Gaius are wearing white with black stripes, while Commodus is wearing white under his armor. The Colosseum behind Commodus shows what he will use for support. Support for his image, and his love for and from the people of Rome. However the Colosseum behind Commodus also shows that it will stab him in the back, betray him and cost him his life. The middle is what he wants acceptance and love from, Romes citizens is what he hopes to have standing behind him. And the the front is the Senators whom Commodus despises. In between Commodus and the Senators is Lucius, wearing brown, is acting as a barrier between these two opposing forces. The majority of color in this shot is black and white, this makes the shot look drab and simplistic. The shots colossal background and animation makes it impressive as well. This is also a high angle shot, the camera is well above Commodus, Lucius and all Roman citizens. The Colosseum is the main object in the shot that is above the camera. This represents the prominence and importance of the Colosseum. This shot also says that the Colosseum is paramount when compared to other forces in Roman society.
Gladiator scene analysis
In this scene Maximus is walking through the fields to his family in the afterlife. The entire film we are given these flash backs of What looks like Maximus's hand grazing over this wheat. Initially in the opening scenes we are given the impression that he is reliving happier moments in his life and that is portrayed by the uplifting light sound of the music. we are never given a clear image of where Maximus is or what he is walking towards until the end of the film where the paths of reality and these visions cross. Upon Maximus's death we finally see his body walking through the fields and and we see that he is walking towards his family. It is now clear to see that Maximus's day dreams of a better time were really his visions of being with his family again and the difference between life and death is his being with his family